Digressions: My Life in 500 Words or Less

I hate abrupt endings. But here we are.
With space dwindling on my Wix account and my other writing projects requiring more and more attention, I believe it is time for Digressions to end its run. I did not plan this, really. I noticed the low space on my Wix account when I posted my last blog. For months I have been considering whether or not to end my blog but held off.
This seems like the right time. Digressions has had a run of some six years, the first post being somewhere about July 2017. At some point my blog posts from 2017 and 2018 disappeared from the website. Vanished. Gone. I just noticed that fact as I write this blog. I don’t know what happened, but maybe this, too, is a hint of sorts that my blog should end.
During the past six plus years, I’ve written about everything from angling at Land Between the Lakes to Aztec death whistles, from painted rocks to Pomeranian companions, from Christmas ornaments to classic literature. The blog was not intended to be about anything in particular. I included posts about my writing life, but the name of the blog pretty much described its content.
I don’t know what the future holds in regard to reviving Digressions at any point. But I don’t rule anything out.
For now, I am happy with all the posts I’ve created for the blog over the years.
Despite the abrupt ending at my website, I’m sure I will always have Digressions in my life.