Digressions: My Life in 500 Words or Less
Updated: Jan 26, 2023

The underside of the spider rock.
I have a confession. Really.
It’s a bit embarrassing. But I think I need to fess up in order to motivate myself to make amends.
First I need to share a little background.
Do you know Elizabethtown Rocks? Do you know Hardin County Rocks!?
That last question is punctuated correctly, in case you were wondering. That’s because Elizabethtown Rocks and Hardin County Rocks! are names of Facebook groups, and the name of the latter one includes an exclamation point as part of the name.
If you’re not familiar with them, the groups have been around for years. They include individuals who paint rocks and then hide those rocks in public places for others to find and re-hide. Or not.
I’m not sure all the painted rocks being found are actually re-hidden. Many of them are incredibly beautiful, intricate and otherwise amazing, and I don’t doubt their finders have a hard time parting with them. Just check out those pages, and you’ll see numerous examples.
Now it’s time for my confession, so here it is: I have two of these painted rocks.
OK. That’s not all of it.
I’ve had one for several months.
That’s bad enough. But that’s not the worst of it.
I’ve had the other one for ... honestly, I’m not sure how long. Maybe a year. Maybe longer. Don’t judge me.
OK. You can judge me. I’m judging myself.
But I always intended to re-hide them. Really.
And though keeping those rocks might not be any sort of infraction of this group, I am determined to get these rocks back into the public. I think they need to be shared. I will hide them.
I might even paint a couple of rocks of my own and hide them as a sort of penance for holding onto these two for so long. It seems only right.
At any rate, I feel better getting that off my chest. OK, so it wasn’t some earth-shattering confession. It wasn’t even a grain-of-sand-shattering confession.
It was just something on my mind. Yeah, rocks in my head.
Soon they will be hidden once again for someone else to find.
And that rocks.
Did you finally get them.back out?