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Digressions: My Life in 500 Words or Less

Writer's picture: akentuckybardakentuckybard

In writing, I make discoveries. In discoveries, I find more need to write.

I wrote that statement as a social media post back in February. It summed up an epiphany I had while working on a novel, a family saga that is a fictionalized account of the lives of my parents.

Like much of my writing, this latest project requires some research. But unlike much of my writing, this project has taken me to a lot of unfamiliar territory. It has taken me through the histories of small towns in Texas and Mexico. It has plunged me into the realm of Aztec names and cultural mythology. It has led me to price the average costs of a shoe shine and a Coke in the 1930s. (Ten to 15 cents for the former and five cents for the latter, in case you're wondering.)

Along the way I’ve learned things about the birth places of my parents, the times they grew up in and, ultimately, myself.

Growing up, I heard countless stories from both my parents about their childhood escapades and experiences they had as young adults. Many of them were remarkable, as were some of our experiences as a family.

As a writer, I knew early on I would piece together a novel from our lives. At some point, I began taking notes and even writing some story starters.

In 2005 I decided to use National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo, as a way to begin the project. NaNoWriMo is an organized effort to promote novel writing during the month of November, setting a goal of 50,000 words for participants. Though I did not reach the goal, I did get 20,000 words down, about half of which were usable.

I did a little work on the project afterward. It later fell by the wayside, but I never forgot it.

Both my parents have since passed away, Mom in 2007 and Dad in 2017. Their stories have stayed with me, just as their memories do.

After working from home for a couple of years, I knew it was time to tackle a major project. In the fall of 2019, I began working on the family saga novel again, at the same time continuing to work in what I consider the three critical areas of the craft: writing, reading and marketing.

While my writing is still much slower than many of my colleagues, I have produced another 10,000 words, not to mention collecting materials and research. As I navigate this project, I navigate my history. I find facts and information that put my family’s past in perspective.

The work on the project continues to inspire me to work on the project. In writing, I make discoveries. In discoveries, I find more need to write.

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