Digressions: My Life in 500 Words or Less
Today is Thanksgiving Day, or, as I like to call it: Spanx Giving Way. By that I mean if I wore Spanx they’d definitely be Giving Way to my expanding waistline.
Overeating is inevitable for many today. I am among those.
Stuffing a turkey and stuffing myself are undeniable parts of the day. Certainly, Rebecca and I make sure to express thanks for all we have, because that’s important.
But the bottom line is the day ultimately becomes a portly pigfest. A colossal chowdown. A gargantuan grub-a-thon.
Turkey, bacon-topped stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean bake, rolls and French silk pie are on the menu today, but the bill of fare varies from year to year. Rebecca and I always discuss the Thanksgiving dinner menu in advance. We rarely have any trouble deciding what to include, our tastes are so similar. Talk about giving thanks.
There’s nothing like a warm home filled with the aroma of roast turkey, browning rolls and baking pie. The scents of the season are almost as good as the main event.
The house is also filled with happiness and tradition on Thanksgiving. As I’ve mentioned in posts and even a previous blog, we have our special flying of the turkey tradition during which the uncooked bird soars through our kitchen, with a little bit of help from me.
We also have the tradition of breaking open some wine during food preparation. Giving thanks for the harvest just seems like it should include grapes.
And, of course, there is the televised Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, which we DVR and watch later, fast-forwarding to the parts of most interest. Floats. That’s really what it comes down to for me. Floats. Floats of all sizes. Floats of all types. Floats. Lumbering, slow-moving, inflated with enormous amounts of gas— Hey, I just realized how much those floats are like those who overindulge on Thanksgiving. How appropriate.
The food does take center stage, indeed, and I, for one, always enjoy it. I look forward to savoring each bite, eating second and third servings and revisiting the food before the day is over.
In a world in which poverty, homelessness and hunger are stark realities that can knock on anyone’s door, I know Rebecca and I are fortunate.
I know I we have no shortage of things for which to give thanks.
Our celebration in our home with plenty of food is not taken for granted but neither is the love that pervades our lives.
Here’s to full hearts as well as full stomachs.