Digressions: My Life in 500 Words or Less
Rebecca’s birthweek began July 27, and it got off on the right foot. But it ended on August 2 on the wrong foot which turned out to be her left foot.
She severely sprained it.
As is our custom for each other’s birthdays, we celebrated beginning a week in advance. We call it our birthweek. Each day until the seventh day — her actual birthday — I gave Rebecca a small gift, just something inexpensive but fun: a bag of a favorite candy, a potted flower, a pair of wine glasses.
The birthweek gifts, of course, led to the big day and bigger gifts.
Rebecca’s actual birthday landed on a Friday, and on her wish list was a visit to Indiana to see a friend who does mentalism-style performances at a pizzeria and brewery. I had let her know in advance that the trip was going to be part of her birthday gift, in order for her to take half a day off. We planned to have a bite to eat at the pizzeria/brewery, too.
Additionally, I had other gifts for her before we were to leave. When she got home just after noon, she found those gifts waiting for her.
The main gift from me was an authentic ukulele she had wished for. I also had purchased a stand for it and some picks.
She was ecstatic.
So, see? The birthweek had really gone well up to that point.
Then things kind of went off the rails. Or, more precisely, off the patio.
Just about an hour before we were to leave for Indiana, Rebecca went to take the dogs out. I was upstairs at the time.
My phone rang. It was Rebecca. She said she was on the patio, that she had hurt herself and needed help.
When I got to Rebecca and saw her foot I was certain it was broken. She assured me it didn’t feel as bad as it looked and was sure it was just swollen from being badly sprained.
So the birthday trip was postponed. Rest, ice, compression and elevation were on Rebecca’s agenda.
That has meant some modifications to our daily routines. I drove her to work for the first couple of days, and if she needs to take anything upstairs or downstairs, I do it because she still feels safer holding onto the banister.
It has now been just more than a week since the incident, and while the swelling is mostly gone, the colorful bruising is more evident. We are still tending to the foot with some rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Rebecca gets around fine, but she’s ready to be back on both feet. In fact, she admits she is getting impatient to get back to normal.
I don’t blame her. You don’t appreciate being able to do what you normally do as much as when you aren’t able to do it.
Ending a day on the wrong foot can hurt the soul as much as the sole.