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Digressions: My Life in 500 Words or Less

Change can be big or small.

Sometimes any change is good. Sometimes change produces further change.

In the past month or so, I’ve been trying to change my daily routine, trying minor variations in where and how I do my writing work or when I do my household tasks. I find the change helpful in keeping things interesting. That, in turn, helps my motivation.

Beyond that, sometimes change evolves out of necessity.

A few months ago, I had to change the meeting day of The Bard’s Corner Writer’s Group, the writing group I founded and facilitate. For more than 16 years — first at Barnes & Noble, then at the main branch of Hardin County Public Library — we met on the first and third Mondays of each month from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.

Due to a need to cut expenses, the library was shortening hours on some days, and that included Mondays. That resulted in The Bard’s Corner Writer’s Group meeting on Thursday nights beginning in March.

The change in meeting day is something that I had mixed feelings about. I founded The Bard’s Corner Writer’s Group in September of 2002, and it is something I sort of fell into. But I’ve voluntarily kept the group going, meeting the first and third Mondays every month, year after year. At one point, the group even met every Monday.

There is a lot of history there.

But change was a necessity for the library, and I certainly understood that when I was first made aware of it. Library personnel was gracious and accommodating in arranging a new meeting night, so the transition was pretty smooth.

That change, however, eventually made me aware another change was called for.

And that leads me to this blog.

You see, when I started this blog my writing group was still meeting on the first and third Mondays of each month. Therefore, I decided posting my blog on the second and fourth Mondays of each month would be best. It made it easy to remember when I had one due because I simply alternated Mondays.

Now that The Bard’s Corner Writer’s Group is meeting on Thursday, things don’t line up as well. For one thing, the first Thursday might arrive before the first Monday, meaning the second Monday is actually in the third week of the month, as was the case in May. I cannot count on alternating weeks between meetings and blogs. In fact, my last blog was accidentally posted early due to all this, leaving a longer than normal gap between blogs.


All of this is to say, beginning in June, my blog will now appear on the second and third Thursday of each month. Same number of blogs per month, just on a different day.

One change has produced another. But, sometimes change, big or small, is good.

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