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Writer's pictureakentuckybard

Digressions: My Life in 500 Words or Less

What games did you play when you were a kid?

I don’t mean outdoor games. I mean board, tabletop and card games where you gathered with family or friends.

Monopoly, Sorry and The Game of Life were standards in many households (even though our home was Life-less). But, if your household was anything like mine, other less-known games were included.

Ever heard of Pit? How about the Alfred Hitchcock Why Mystery Game? Wide World?

Those were a few games our family played from time to time. Of course those times were the ’60s and ’70s, so there’s a little context that needs to be considered. In that same context, my siblings and I enjoyed board games based on the TV shows Flipper, Lost in Space, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and Milton the Monster.

And then there were other table top games of skill, luck and strategy, like Whirl Out, Avalanche and Stay Alive. I had all three of those games which had, as a main component, marbles. I have since lost my marbles. (Yeah, you knew that was coming.)

I loved those games and those memories. And though most of those games from my childhood are gone, I managed to save a few. In fact, I’ve played Pit with several of my friends. I also still have the Alfred Hitchcock Why Mystery Game.

Through the years Rebecca and I continued to collect games, combining some of her old classics, like Clue and Masterpiece, with others classics I acquired, such as Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble and Yahtzee. In recent years we added Cards Against Humanity and Ticket to Ride.

About a week ago, a niece, her husband and great nephew visited. They are greatly involved in discovering and playing games, new and vintage, even attending game conventions. We spent an afternoon playing three games neither Rebecca nor I were familiar with but which we thoroughly enjoyed. They had even brought a new copy of one of the games which they gave us as a gift.

One Night Ultimate Werewolf does not use a board and, instead, creates a scenario in which one or more players is a werewolf and the rest villagers. The twist to the game is the play is such that no one is ever certain who is who but must accuse the person or persons they believe to be the werewolf in order to save the village.

The game was a blast, as were the other two games: Raise Your Goblets and Costume Party Assassins. Only the latter uses a board.

A couple of weekends ago a friend brought to a gathering a game called Pitchstorm. Again, no board but loads of fun.

While some might not enjoy such a pastime, Rebecca and I do. And we are fortunate to know others who seem to enjoy these games as much we do.

So, vintage or current, board or no board, it’s game on.

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