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Writer's pictureakentuckybard

Digressions: My Life in 500 Words or Less

In recent years the song “Imagine” by John Lennon has found new significance for me. I was surprised to discover only a few years ago that my father liked the song.

Dad passed away about a year and a half ago, and the song has stayed in my mind. This time of year, it is especially pertinent.

This is a season of magic. This is a season of hope.

What is this if not a season for imagining?

Someone once said if you can conceive it, you can achieve it. I’d like to imagine that is true.

I’d like to imagine a world where the diversity of skin color, gender identity, chronological age and physical ability are embraced without thought by everyone. I’d like to imagine a world where politics and religion did not exist without compassion and understanding of those different from our own.

I’d like to imagine a world where embraces replaced abuses, where smiles replaced insults and where happiness replaced hopelessness.

I’d like to imagine a world without disease, starvation or homelessness. I’d like to imagine a world where we enjoyed the gift of our differences in culture, viewpoint and individuality.

I’d like to imagine a world where our words lifted rather than lessened each other, where our actions raised rather than reduced each other and where each day our thoughts turned to ways for betterment rather than battlement.

I’d like to imagine a world where not only my friends and family, but every man, woman, child and living creature did not know distress, whether physical, psychological or emotional.

I’d like to imagine a world where we didn’t build walls but rather built bridges. I’d like to imagine a world where poverty did not exist, where alcoholism and drug abuse were banished and where we had no need for material wealth.

I’d like to imagine a world where everyone viewed everyone else as cherished loved ones. I’d like to imagine a world where our canine and feline companions were not subjected to abuse and cruelty.

I’d like to imagine for us, as a world population, to offer on a daily basis the respect, dignity and kindness we all should enjoy and that each of us strove to be worth those considerations just as fervently.

I’d like to imagine peace on Earth and goodwill to men to be a way of life, not just a seasonal sentiment.

I feel fortunate in many ways, and I don’t disparage that. I have a sign over a doorway in the home I share with my sweetie, Rebecca. The sign says “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The sign is fitting because the movie of the same title is among my favorites, and it is generally my outlook on life.

But I’d like to imagine this world could be so much better, and I’d like to imagine we are all capable of making that happen.

I’d like to imagine so much more happiness, so much more goodness is within our grasp.

Imagine that.

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